Penray’s Chemical Service Kits Enhance Vehicle Performance, Add Profit Opportunities For Service Shops

With routine tune-ups nearly a thing of the past, and with greatly extended recommended service intervals, vehicles may experience system degradation gradually, so that motorists may never even realize they have reduced performance and efficiency. Further, long-deferred maintenance can ultimately contribute to parts failure and costly and unnecessary repairs that could have been prevented. Customers are also holding onto their vehicles longer, extending the vehicle’s life span and increasing the importance of maintenance.

So it is all the more important for service technicians to recommend proper preventive maintenance during service visits that are becoming less and less frequent. In light of that, Penray offers a variety of system-specific Installer Service Kits that include the chemicals needed to clean, protect, and fortify various vehicle systems. These kits include cleaners, protectants, conditioners, and lubricants needed to restore performance. They keep vehicle systems working at optimum levels and help extend service life. Penray also offers Installer tools and full lines of automotive, heavy duty and shop chemicals.

Penray Installer Service Kits are designed for professional use only, taking advantage of the tools, techniques, and expertise found in professional repair shops. As such, they provide an attractive profit opportunity for the service shop, while offering substantial value and protection to the customer.

The Penray Installer line encompasses a collection of kits providing preventive maintenance for systems such as power steering, cooling and engine oil. Penray also offers a variety of fuel system kits specifically formulated for gasoline and diesel that provide total system clean-up by removing harmful deposits and carbon that cause problems such as hesitation, high exhaust emissions and poor gas mileage.

Each Penray Installer Service Kit includes two or three task-specific preventive maintenance chemicals designed to clean, rejuvenate, and fortify vehicular systems and their fluids, helping to maximize performance and extend vehicle life. Penray also provides a Lifetime Preventive Maintenance Protection Plan to further help shops instill customer confidence in coverage.

Penray Installer kits are all developed, compounded, blended and packaged in the USA. Detailed information on the various kits can be found here on our website, On-line training videos are available for technicians, providing helpful information on the proper use of these kits, the functions they perform, and the benefits to motorists.

“We challenged our staff chemists to come up with kits of products that provide complete service for the systems they’re designed for,” explains Bill Nonnamaker, Senior Vice President of Sales for Penray. “Because these are sophisticated chemicals that require specific procedures in order to deliver the best possible results, we do not offer them to consumers. Rather, we rely on the expertise of the thousands of professional technicians who work in service bays every day and have a clear understanding of how systems work and how best to extend their life. This is just one way we partner with independent repair shops and technicians, helping them to work better and more profitably.”

“Further evidence of our confidence in, and support for, independent repair shops and their technicians can be found in the free, hands-on training we offer. Our professional, full-time trainers offer detailed hands-on education in which technicians can learn to properly diagnose and solve various problems with fuel systems, both gasoline and diesel, as well as cooling and lubrication systems. Training schedules fill quickly. Repair shop owners can get more information from their Penray products supplier, or by contacting Penray Customer Service at 1-800-373-6729.